Birth Injury Attorneys California
A n attorney specializing in birth injuries can help families pursue compensation when a child or mother is hurt during labor and delivery due to the negligence of a medical professional. More than 25,000 American newborns are injured yearly due to complications during birth. The parents of a child who sustained injuries at birth due to medical malpractice may file a claim for damages to cover the costs of their kid's continued medical care. Let's understand the Role of an Obstetrician and Other Workers in a Birthing Facility? Obstetricians and other delivery room staff must keep a close eye on the woman and the baby during the entirety of the pregnancy and birth and be ready for any emergency. Medical malpractice occurs when doctors, nurses, and other medical staff fail to take necessary precautions to prevent birth damage. However, there are many potential causes of birth injuries, and not all result from medical malpractice. Therefore, if either the mother or the newborn...