Birth Injury Attorneys California

An attorney specializing in birth injuries can help families pursue compensation when a child or mother is hurt during labor and delivery due to the negligence of a medical professional.

More than 25,000 American newborns are injured yearly due to complications during birth. The parents of a child who sustained injuries at birth due to medical malpractice may file a claim for damages to cover the costs of their kid's continued medical care.

Let's understand the Role of an Obstetrician and Other Workers in a Birthing Facility?

Obstetricians and other delivery room staff must keep a close eye on the woman and the baby during the entirety of the pregnancy and birth and be ready for any emergency. Medical malpractice occurs when doctors, nurses, and other medical staff fail to take necessary precautions to prevent birth damage.

However, there are many potential causes of birth injuries, and not all result from medical malpractice. Therefore, if either the mother or the newborn has been injured during birth, the parents should seek the advice of a medical malpractice lawyer with extensive experience with cases involving birth injuries.

Because a child who suffers catastrophic birth damage may need ongoing medical care — and the means to pay for that care — for the rest of their lives, their parents will need an attorney who will actively pursue the maximum compensation available from all parties and may be held liable.

Who Could Be Held Responsible for a Fetal Injury?

A birth injury malpractice claim is not always restricted to the delivering doctor. Medical malpractice claims can also be filed against a negligent clinic, hospital, anesthesiologist, nurse, or healthcare provider.

An applicant's credentials in education, licensure, and training must be verified before employment in a medical position at a hospital. The hospital could be held responsible for negligent supervision or employment if it fails to do so, and birth harm occurs as a result.

Even a doctor's qualifications must be checked before a hospital allows them to practice there. Hospitals are also responsible for ensuring enough nurses and other support workers available to treat patients at all hours of the night and day.

What factors contribute to the problem where babies are born with physical defects?

Cerebral palsy, Erb's palsy, mental retardation, and brachial plexus injury are all common results of subpar medical care during childbirth. What specific examples of bad medical care led to these wounds? All of the following can contribute, but they are not limited to:

  • Inadequate surveillance

  • Bad drugs and treatments

  • Birth Trauma

  • An undetected case of fetal distress

  • The infant suffers from hypoxia due to disruptions in oxygen delivery via the placenta or umbilical cord.

  • Too much time is spent with the infant in the delivery canal

  • IUGR, intrauterine growth restriction, is one of several pregnancy-related complications that might be missed until it's too late.

  • Complications from waiting too long to perform a C-section

  • Failure to properly employ a vacuum or forceps

  • The apparent separation of the placenta from the uterus (where the placenta separates from the wall of the womb causing the mother severe bleeding)

  • Untreated preeclampsia increases the risk of stroke and seizures in the mother and brain damage in the infant.

Suppose your child was injured during birth due to the negligence of a medical professional (such as a doctor, midwife, nurse, anesthesiologist, clinic, hospital, or HMO). In that case, you might be entitled to compensation.

Tips for Recognizing a Birth Injury

It might be difficult to determine whether or not a baby has suffered an injury during birth. However, your newborn may have suffered some birth damage if you detect any out-of-the-ordinary symptoms in their physical state, breathing, excessive crying, etc. If you have concerns about your child, it is important to take them to a doctor immediately.

When comparing birth injuries and congenital disabilities, what are the key distinctions?

Usually caused by chromosomal abnormalities or anatomical problems in the uterus, congenital disabilities manifest themselves while the baby is still developing inside the mother's body. In contrast, a birth injury occurs during the process of giving birth. A birth injury can occur either because of the carelessness of a medical professional or because it is an inevitable result of giving birth.

What Can the Stalwart legal firm do for you?

A medical malpractice attorney in California can investigate the circumstances surrounding a birth injury and determine who is at fault. Parents who suspect their child may have suffered a birth injury should consult an attorney without delay.

In order to determine the validity of a parent's claim and how the legislation in California pertains to their specific situation, the stalwart law firm provides a free initial consultation.

The Preferred Method of Seeking justice 

When representing parents in a birth injury case, Stalwart Law Group will collaborate with relevant medical authorities and birthing experts to collect the testimony and evidence necessary for a successful case outcome.

Cases involving birth injuries are often complex. In-depth investigations and months of legal preparation are typical for cases of this nature. The best approach to seek justice and financial compensation for your kid and family is to work with a skilled Pasadena birth injury attorney.

Put your trust in the California birth injury experts at Stalwart law firm if you or a loved one has suffered because of medical negligence during labor or delivery.

The affected victims of negligence have benefited from the millions we have collected for them. Stalwart Law Group's award-winning lawyers have been helping customers for a long time, building a track record of success and a stellar reputation for legal prowess.

To set up a free initial consultation, parents struggling with a birth injury can phone or fill out the online form on the Stalwart Law group website.


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